Your Expert Garage ~ Servicing & Repairing cars since 1978

The English Mechanic is a family business with over 40 years of experience and have been established in France since 2005.

The business is fully registered and insured. Owner, Tony, served as a student apprentice in the UK gaining B.E.I.T.B. City and Guilds, O.N.D and H.N.D in Mechanical Engineering, is also an associate member of the Institute of the Motor Industry (A.M.I.M.I.) and ran his own garage in England from 1978 to May 2005, covering all vehicle makes and models.

They have a network of suppliers and only use original equipment quality parts. They also carry a stock of oil, air and fuel filters and can obtain most parts in 3 working days. A loan car is available if required.
English mechanic in France French car registrations in Deux-Sevres

Expert English garage in Deux-Sevres


English mechanic in Deux-Sèvres
Motor Service
Vehicle Repairs
Change of Headlights
Registering a Car in France

Siret: 482 190 550 00012 Code APE 502Z APRM 502ZA
Privacy ~ © Tony Eyre 2025. Website by Sarah Berry